NOPP Project Questionnaire

Fisherman: __________________________________________ Date:______________

Address: __________________________________________


Vessel Name: __________________________ Vessel Home Port: ___________________

Vessel Description: Length: _______ft. Tonnage: _______ Hull: _______ Type: _______

Electronics presently on board vessel: _______________________________________________


Questions Yes No

1) Do you have a vessel tracking system (VTS) on board? _____ _____

2) Do you anticipate being required to carry one for your fishery? _____ _____

3) Have you seen electronic charting systems plotter with charts? _____ _____

4) Have you used electronic charting systems? _____ _____

5) If yes which system/software do you prefer? _____ _____

6) Do you or anyone in your immediate family have access to a personal computer? _____ _____

7) Have you used a personal computer with a keyboard? _____ _____

8) Have you used a personal computer with a keyboard and mouse? _____ _____

9) What type of device would you prefer to control/input information?

(1) keyboard (2) touchpad (3) joystick (4) mouse (5) no preference

10) Do you have a personal computer on board? _____ _____

11) If no, would you have space for a personal computer with keyboard on your vessel? _____ _____

12) Do you have an e-mail address? _____ _____

13) If no, does anyone in your immediate family have an e-mail address? _____ _____

14) Do you send catch information to an auction or buyer before landing? _____ _____

15) If yes, how do you send it?

(1) VHF (2) phone (3) single side band (4) Fax (5) Internet (6) Other _________________


16) If no, why not?

(1) Buyer doesn't want information, (2) I don't want buyer to have information,

(3) I don't want other fishermen to know what I've caught, (4) Other ________________________


17) Would you send catch information to buyer if you knew it was secure (private)? _____ _____

NOPP Project Questionnaire Page two

18) Having an electronic charting system on board is:

(1) Very Important (2) Important (3) Useful (4) Not Important (5) Not Sure

19) Having a map of the ocean bottom on your navigation display is:

(1) Very Important (2) Important (3) Useful (4) Not Important (5) Not Sure

20) Knowing surface water temperature along your vessel track is:

(1) Very Important (2) Important (3) Useful (4) Not Important (5) Not Sure

21) Knowing bottom water temperature along your fishing gears track is:

(1) Very Important (2) Important (3) Useful (4) Not Important (5) Not Sure

22) Having water temperature profile every 5 fathoms between surface and bottom is:

(1) Very Important (2) Important (3) Useful (4) Not Important (5) Not Sure

23) Having access to real time weather information from other fishing vessels is:

(1) Very Important (2) Important (3) Useful (4) Not Important (5) Not Sure

24) Knowing fish prices from various ports including your own is:

(1) Very Important (2) Important (3) Useful (4) Not Important (5) Not Sure

25) Knowing fish landings and anticipated landings from the region is:

(1) Very Important (2) Important (3) Useful (4) Not Important (5) Not Sure

26) Being able to send fish catch information to buyer without other fishermen intercepting the information is:

(1) Very Important (2) Important (3) Useful (4) Not Important (5) Not Sure

27) Being able to communicate via e-mail is:

(1) Very Important (2) Important (3) Useful (4) Not Important (5) Not Sure

28) Using fisheries data from commercial fishing vessels in the fisheries management decision making process is:

(1) Very Important (2) Important (3) Useful (4) Not Important (5) Not Sure

29) Having a display of engine data (RPM, engine temperature, oil pressure) available on navigation display is:

(1) Very Important (2) Important (3) Useful (4) Not Important (5) Not Sure

30) Establishment of a separate, non NMFS controlled, fisheries data collection system using fishing vessels is:

(1) Very Important (2) Important (3) Useful (4) Not Important (5) Not Sure

NOPP Project Questionnaire Page three

31) If there was no cost to you and you were convinced that information could not be traced to your vessel would you be willing to send the following information to Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute (WHOI) for scientific purposes:

Yes No

Wind speed and direction _____ _____

Surface water temperature _____ _____

Subsurface water temperature _____ _____

Fish catch information _____ _____

Reports on unusual occurrences around you vessel, (weather conditions, marine _____ _____

mammal sightings, environmental changes, fisheries information, etc)

32) What is the coldest temperature in your pilot house when fishing?

(1) above 32F (2) between 32F & -4F (3) between -4F & -40F

33) What is the coldest temperature in your pilot house when not fishing?

(1) above 32F (2) between 32F & -4F (3) between -4F & -40F

34) What is the hottest your pilot house gets when fishing?

(1) above 113F (2)between 113F & 86F (3) below 86F

35) What is the hottest your pilot house gets when not fishing?

(1) above 113F (2)between 113F & 86F (3) below 86F

36) What is the maximum depth you fish? ___________________

37) What voltage is your vessel electrical system?

(1) 12 (2) 24 (3) 32 (4) 110AC (5) _______________________

Yes No

38) Would you allow your vessel to be equipped with scientific instruments to collect _____ _____

environmental and weather data for the scientific community and your use?

39) Would you allow your vessel to be equipped with scientific instruments to collect _____ _____

oceanographic, atmospheric, and fisheries data for your use and the scientific

community's use?

40) How much is an on-board computer system that could display vessel track, surface water temperature, water temperature where gear is located, be used as a plotter and allow e-mailing worth to you? (Note: E-mailing could be used to send catch data to the market/scientific community.)

(1) $6-8,000 (2) $4,-6,000 (3) $2-4,000 (4) $1-2,000 (5) $0

41) How much would you be willing to pay to add weather instruments which would measure wind speed, humidity, air temperature and barometric pressure, and allow you to receive accurate local weather data collected from other fishing vessels.

(1) $6-8,000 (2) $4,-6,000 (3) $2-4,000 (4) $1-2,000 (5) $0

42) What is the average life span of your electronic equipment?_________________________________

Please return to: Rollie Barnaby, Extension Educator, Sea Grant & Marine Resources

UNH Cooperative Extension

113 North Road, Brentwood, NH 03833-6623

(603) 679-5616

43) (1) above 50F (2) below 50F (3) below 32F (4) below 0F

(1) above 90F (2) below 90F (3) below 80F (4) below 70F

Last modified: April 7, 1998